Bruno Mars

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Taken from Phredley's Blog on 1/19/12:

For more head to

Ok, here we go.  Oil pressure’s good, gas gauge is at half a tank.  Should be plenty to get where we have to go.

Right back into an arena?  Might as well, I guess…

Picture of said arena (Movistar…)

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.  It’s hard to generate photos with myself in them for my blog.  I feel stupid doing the backwards camera, cell-phone-style photography.  Somehow we’ll find an answer to this question if we just keep asking the questions.  

Anyway… there are hot tubs backstage at the Movistar Arena.  I did not partake in a pre- or post-show bath, but they did look clean.  

We have now done shows on 5 different continent and I can’t even count how many countries.  I guess I probably could but I’d need a couple minutes to go back and research that one and in the interest of the flow of this blog entry, I’ll just keep writing.  Or posting pictures.  Probably some combination of the two.

Back for the last time (for a while.)


Chile Cheese: A Blog Excerpt From Phredley Brown.

Taken from Phredley's Blog on 1/19/12:

For more head to

Ok, here we go.  Oil pressure’s good, gas gauge is at half a tank.  Should be plenty to get where we have to go.

Right back into an arena?  Might as well, I guess…

Picture of said arena (Movistar…)

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.  It’s hard to generate photos with myself in them for my blog.  I feel stupid doing the backwards camera, cell-phone-style photography.  Somehow we’ll find an answer to this question if we just keep asking the questions.  

Anyway… there are hot tubs backstage at the Movistar Arena.  I did not partake in a pre- or post-show bath, but they did look clean.  

We have now done shows on 5 different continent and I can’t even count how many countries.  I guess I probably could but I’d need a couple minutes to go back and research that one and in the interest of the flow of this blog entry, I’ll just keep writing.  Or posting pictures.  Probably some combination of the two.

Back for the last time (for a while.)